SPOGBOLT   |   Location: Newfoundland, Canada

September 11, 2006

Don't you wish you lived in France?

Apparently, if you're in charge of a major French television network that broadcasts blatant lying propaganda, but some impudent little bloggers threaten to expose you by using the new-found power of the Internet, you can simply have those pipsqueaks hauled into the Palais de Justice for a trial! Cool! And no inconvenient right to a trial by jury to worry about, either—it'll be judges who will be deciding whether the upstarts' political views are acceptable. Full story at The Augean Stables, via Pajamas Media.


Blogger Aussiegirl said...

Mr. Spog, thanks for your comments on Ultima Thule. I've found your own blog to be fascinating, and your thoughts on religion and science are right in line with mine. Your ideas tally with those of Stephen Barr, Gerald Schroeder, and Bernard Haisch. I've blogrolled you, and will be visiting you frequently.

September 13, 2006 3:36 a.m.  
Blogger Mr. Spog said...

Thank you very much, I'll have to look up those names. As I tend to post somewhat irregularly (unlike you), you might find it more convenient to subscribe to the RSS feed than to keep checking this page manually.

September 13, 2006 5:44 p.m.  

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